Anti-redness skincare is often needed if you have pale skin, or sensitive skin. Or sometimes both. Redness can be a part of inflammatory skin conditions like rosacea which people with pale or sensitive skin are more susceptible to.

Redness in general can be annoying when you are already cautious in introducing new products to your skin, or diligent about making sure the water you splash on your face is not too hot! There are times it will feel like you have only just left the house and… your skin is red. If you are prone to red skin, there are certain factors that can make it worse, such as consuming spicy food, hot drinks and wine, sunlight exposure, stress, and intense exercise.

Luckily, there are natural solutions to help combat this problem. A lot of the time we have to simplify our skincare routine, because there is a huge myth that the more we pile on our skin, the better the results.

French women are onto something when it comes to skincare actually, this is amongst many other things that they are onto! They believe in a diligent skincare routine and prevention rather than cure, which means they look after their skin every single day. But they also do not feel the need to pile upon layer upon layer of products that will ultimately suffocate the skin, and in the long run, have no effect whatsoever, making skin conditions worse. Heavy skincare can slow down the skin's natural surface renewal, and not to mention, can be expensive and ineffective!

So, how is this relevant? Well, this heavy skincare is often a choice of chemical concoctions each time a layer is applied. You can minimise the amount of environmental stress your body is put through by limiting the amount of toxins that is absorbed through the skin. This means choosing organic certified, natural products for your skin, and in terms of anti-redness skincare, ingredients that will not aggravate your skin, but work to fight against redness with their anti-inflammatory properties.


Anti-Redness Skincare. Best carrier Oils

Here is the list of the best carrier oils for anti-redness skincare:

  • Moringa

One thing that makes Moringa oil unique is its high content of vitamins A and C, which improves the tone and elasticity of the skin. It is rare for an oil to contain two of the most revered skincare ingredients for antiaging by dermatologists. They are anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial and work together to fight free radical damage.

Another important skincare ingredient and component of moringa oil is vitamin E. This vitamin is a renowned skin healer. Is vitamin e good for skin and hair. To simply sum up its role in anti-redness skincare, it soothes the skin. When combined with vitamin C, also found in moringa oil, it has even more power in treating inflamed, sunburned skin.

Moringa oil can soothe redness without aggravating inflamed skin further. Oleic acid (omega 9 fatty acid) is the predominant fatty acid of moringa oil, which penetrates deeply into the skins surface to replenish lost moisture that can make skin look tired, dull, lifeless, or older than it really is. This makes Moringa oil an ideal choice for anti-redness skincare that nourishes deeply into the skin and soothes at the same time. It does this without clogging the pores that can cause or make acne worse.

More people are turning to natural treatments for their acne after desperate attempts of using intense chemical peels and medication for acne from the doctors. When treating acne, it's important to find ingredients that treat the inflammation and redness of the condition, and moringa oil can do this.


  • Borage

Borage oil is a wildflower that is often referred to as the starflower, due to its bright blue flowers shaped as stars. It can be found in almost all part of the world but originally comes from the Mediterranean area.

It has been used and recognised for over 1500 years. The Roman naturalist and historian spoke of Borage oil for its medicinal properties. A fun Borage fact is that the Pimm's cocktail was originally garnished by Borage flowers!

This oil is known for being anti-inflammatory. Compared to other plant oils, it has a high amount of GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), a type of omega 6 essential fatty acid. Although our body can produce this, it must have the starting ingredient – linoleic acid. Once consumed, linoleic acid reacts with an enzyme called Delta-6-Desaturase (D6D) to biochemically convert linoleic acid to gamma-linoleic acid.

So, why (and how) is this relevant to anti-redness skincare, I hear you ask? GLA is converted into prostaglandin 1 (PG1) which is anti-inflammatory and regulates water loss. As Borage oil is a direct source of gamma-linoleic acid, it helps maintain the production of PG1 to reduce redness and protect the skin from water loss for hydrated, healthy skin cells.


  • Tamanu

Natives of the pacific first found the Tamanu tree growing by the ocean thousands of years ago. They soon discovered the healing properties of its nuts, which they used on their skin to protect against the harsh, hot weather conditions. The oil soon became known for its ability to speed the healing of wounds and increase cellular regeneration, and since the 1920s, has been studied for its healing properties by researchers.

Traditionally, it has been used in pacific island folk medicine to treat a multitude of health issues, including burns, insect bites/stings, cuts, acne, acne scars, sunburn, psoriasis, eczema, blisters, diabetic sores and herpes sores. One element of Tamanu oil that makes it ideal for anti-redness skincare is a lipid called calophyllolide. This is a strong anti-inflammatory not found in other oils.

Few oils penetrate all three layers of the skin – the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. But Tamanu oil does! As it is anti-inflammatory too, tamanu oil can be a great choice for an oil that will deeply nourish and sooth the cells of your skin, encouraging healthy skin cell regeneration and working as anti-redness skincare. It also speeds up the healing of scar tissue, which can make redness appear worse.


  • Avocado

In most recent years avocados have increased in popularity within the health industry, as more and more appear on T-shirt designs! Many people are eating an avocado a day for its abundance of nutrition, including vitamins B, C, D, E and A. Vitamin A increases cell turnover and renewal, so is known as an anti-ager in skincare.

The specific reason why avocado oil is suitable for treating redness is its high sterolin content, which are anti-inflammatory and immune modulating compounds. Avocado oil is also deeply penetrating, which helps to maintain moisture in the skin.

On top of this, it increases the amount of soluble collagen in the skin, which decreases as we age despite being born with an abundance of this protein. Collagen is essential for keeping the skin, bones and cartilage of our body strong and healthy, however, it starts to deplete from as young as 20 onwards. Yes, 20. After this, the depletion of collagen in the skin depletes by 1% each year. When the thing that keeps our skin supple and smooth is disappearing, we can find other ways to boost the collagen in our skin. Of course applying avocado oil is one way.

As facial massage stimulates collagen production also, we can use avocado oil without fear of redness. Instead, you can expect nourished, deeply moisturised and glowing skin as part of your anti-redness skincare routine.


Anti-Redness Skincare. Best essential Oils

Here is the list of the best essential oils for anti-redness skincare:

  • Tea Tree

So, to sum up the greatness of tea tree oil. Firstly, it is renowned for its anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. It's a well-known acne treatment and it has the ability to treat wounds. Derived from the Australian Native plant, Melaleuca alternifolia, it has been used for at least 100 years and in numerous medical studies, its ability to kill many strains of bacteria, viruses and fungi has been documented.

The anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil can help soothe red, itchy or sore skin, making it ideal for anti-redness skincare, and for keeping in your medicine cabinet for a whole host of purposes. It can be used in many DIY recipes for household and cosmetic products in the same way that many products on the shop shelves include tea tree oil as one of their ingredients. Amongst these include disinfectant sprays, skin creams, massage oils, shampoos and conditioners.


  • Lavender

Lavender, lavandula angustifolia, is a versatile essential oil that grows well in hot, dry environments. People should have in their medicine cabinet. Ancient Greek and Roman physicians, and early civilisations of the Mediterranean, used and wrote about lavenders incredible properties. Amongst these was a German noblewoman and physician, Hildegard of Bingen, who devoted her life to God and whose life achievements were remarkable for a time when women were not taught to read or write. In her book, Causes and Cures, Hildegard recommended a walk followed by a bath with lavender as a prescription for the best night's sleep. She also wrote that the herb gives pure knowledge and a pure spirit.

It is best known for its calming effect on the mind and body because smelling its aroma is balancing and calming. Many people swear by lavender as the ultimate herbal remedy for sleep, ideal for insomniacs wanting to create a feeling of calm and relax their mind and body at bedtime.

Other ailments lavender oil is said to treat are headaches, insect bites and stings, sunburn, scalds, menstrual pain, hyperactivity in children, depression, anxiety, irritability, tension, dermatitis, eczema, acne, and hair and scalp conditions. For skin and hair conditions, it is used for its ability to calm irritated and red skin, so lavender can be included in your anti-redness skincare routine.


  • Geranium

Geranium has exceptional healing value as an antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and astringent oil. It's also popular aroma for perfumers!

Its many benefits include relieving stress, reducing depression, improving circulation, reducing blood pressure, improving dental health and balancing hormones. The ancient Egyptians used it extensively for its skin rejuvenating ability, as it can inhibit the inflammatory responses in the skin and fights wrinkles and fine lines.

Another element of Geranium is its oil balancing properties, preventing the skin from getting either too dry or too oily. This can help manage redness as an imbalance of oil production can make redness worse, and aggravate conditions such as geranium.

Geranium essential oil can also be used as a nerve painkiller, insect repellent and an infection fighter.


  • Chamomile

As chamomile is anti-inflammatory, it reduces redness, and its antibacterial properties protect the skin and pores from microbes which can increase redness. Chamomile is widely known for its soothing abilities in general and is often consumed with herbal tea to induce sleep and calm the nervous system.

It's not as known that it has a very wide range of health benefits: the list is endless. Some of these include preventing infections, relieving depression, reducing anger, boosting the nervous system and acting as a tonic for the skin, muscles and internal organs.

As well as being used for anti-redness skincare, it can help to reduce the appearance of scars, marks and spots on the skin and protect cuts, bruises and wounds from infection.


  • Sandalwood

Originating in India, Sandalwood has been used for centuries in Ayurveda, India's holistic ancient healing system. It is extracted from the wood shreds of matured sandalwood trees (50 -80 years) through steam distillation and has a distinct, woodsy, earthy aroma.

As it is known to reduce inflammation of the skin, it is ideal for using in your DIY skincare formulations or adding it to products you already have. It can be used to treat itchy and/or inflamed skin, soothing and calming inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema.


  • Neroli

Neroli essential oil, from the flowers of a bitter orange tree, is commonly used on mature and dry skin types, but its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it ideal for acne and other inflammatory skin conditions as part of an anti-redness skincare routine.

The appeal of Neroli lies in its citrus and floral aromas and has been used as a soothing remedy for agitated nerves and relieving feelings of despair. Smelling neroli oil alone can reduce your cortisol levels and blood pressure, and if these are consistently high, it can be detrimental to your health. The uplifting smell is an added perk to the oils ability to sooth skin, and all the other skincare benefits such as treating wrinkles, scars and stretch marks.


Which oils and combinations will you be trying for your anti-redness skincare routine? We would love to hear from you!


Written by Jess Burman

Wellbeing writer

BA (Honours)